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For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'Gaia early DR3 Mock Catalogue (gedr3mock)'
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This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference 2020PASP..132g4501R (ADS BibTeX entry for the publication) either in addition to or instead of the service reference.
To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:
@MISC{vo:gedr3mock_parsec, year=2019, title={Parsec-based photometry and extinction for {GeDR3} Mock}, author={Rybizki, J. and Demleitner, M. and Bailer-Jones, C. and Tio, P. D. and Cantat-Gaudin, T. and Fouesneau, M. and Chen, Y. and Andrae, R. and Girardi, L. and Sharma, S.}, url={}, howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {GAVO} Data Center}, doi = {10.21938/dBrplG8I1KR7RyfkMXTyYA} }
Sorted alphabetically. [Sort by DB column index]
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
A0_10_gaia_bpbr | A_0(BP_bright) | Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_10_gaia_bpft | A_0(BP_faint) | Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_10_gaia_g | A_0(G) | Median extinction in the Gaia G band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_10_gaia_rp | A_0(RP) | Median extinction in the Gaia RP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_10_gaia_rvs | A_0(RVS) | Median extinction in the Gaia RVS band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_10_sloan_g | A_0(g) | Median extinction in the SDSS g band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_10_sloan_i | A_0(i) | Median extinction in the SDSS i band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_10_sloan_r | A_0(r) | Median extinction in the SDSS r band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_10_sloan_u | A_0(u) | Median extinction in the SDSS u band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.U |
A0_10_sloan_z | A_0(z) | Median extinction in the SDSS z band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_10_tmass_h | A_0(H) | Median extinction in the 2MASS H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_10_tmass_j | A_0(J) | Median extinction in the 2MASS J band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_10_tmass_ks | A_0(Ks) | Median extinction in the 2MASS Ks band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_10_ubv_b | A_0(B) | Median extinction in the Johnson B band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_10_ubv_h | A_0(JH) | Median extinction in the Johnson H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_10_ubv_i | A_0(I) | Median extinction in the Johnson I band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_10_ubv_j | A_0(JL) | Median extinction in the Johnson L band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_10_ubv_k | A_0(JK) | Median extinction in the Johnson K band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_10_ubv_m | A_0(JM) | Median extinction in the Johnson M band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_10_ubv_r | A_0(R) | Median extinction in the Johnson R band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_10_ubv_u | A_0(U) | Median extinction in the Johnson U band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.U |
A0_10_ubv_v | A_0(V) | Median extinction in the Johnson V band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_1_gaia_bpbr | A_0(BP_bright) | Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_1_gaia_bpft | A_0(BP_faint) | Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_1_gaia_g | A_0(G) | Median extinction in the Gaia G band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_1_gaia_rp | A_0(RP) | Median extinction in the Gaia RP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_1_gaia_rvs | A_0(RVS) | Median extinction in the Gaia RVS band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_1_sloan_g | A_0(g) | Median extinction in the SDSS g band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_1_sloan_i | A_0(i) | Median extinction in the SDSS i band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_1_sloan_r | A_0(r) | Median extinction in the SDSS r band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_1_sloan_u | A_0(u) | Median extinction in the SDSS u band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.U |
A0_1_sloan_z | A_0(z) | Median extinction in the SDSS z band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_1_tmass_h | A_0(H) | Median extinction in the 2MASS H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_1_tmass_j | A_0(J) | Median extinction in the 2MASS J band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_1_tmass_ks | A_0(Ks) | Median extinction in the 2MASS Ks band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_1_ubv_b | A_0(B) | Median extinction in the Johnson B band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_1_ubv_h | A_0(JH) | Median extinction in the Johnson H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_1_ubv_i | A_0(I) | Median extinction in the Johnson I band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_1_ubv_j | A_0(JL) | Median extinction in the Johnson L band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_1_ubv_k | A_0(JK) | Median extinction in the Johnson K band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_1_ubv_m | A_0(JM) | Median extinction in the Johnson M band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_1_ubv_r | A_0(R) | Median extinction in the Johnson R band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_1_ubv_u | A_0(U) | Median extinction in the Johnson U band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.U |
A0_1_ubv_v | A_0(V) | Median extinction in the Johnson V band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_20_gaia_bpbr | A_0(BP_bright) | Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_20_gaia_bpft | A_0(BP_faint) | Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_20_gaia_g | A_0(G) | Median extinction in the Gaia G band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_20_gaia_rp | A_0(RP) | Median extinction in the Gaia RP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_20_gaia_rvs | A_0(RVS) | Median extinction in the Gaia RVS band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_20_sloan_g | A_0(g) | Median extinction in the SDSS g band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_20_sloan_i | A_0(i) | Median extinction in the SDSS i band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_20_sloan_r | A_0(r) | Median extinction in the SDSS r band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_20_sloan_u | A_0(u) | Median extinction in the SDSS u band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.U |
A0_20_sloan_z | A_0(z) | Median extinction in the SDSS z band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_20_tmass_h | A_0(H) | Median extinction in the 2MASS H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_20_tmass_j | A_0(J) | Median extinction in the 2MASS J band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_20_tmass_ks | A_0(Ks) | Median extinction in the 2MASS Ks band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_20_ubv_b | A_0(B) | Median extinction in the Johnson B band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_20_ubv_h | A_0(JH) | Median extinction in the Johnson H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_20_ubv_i | A_0(I) | Median extinction in the Johnson I band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_20_ubv_j | A_0(JL) | Median extinction in the Johnson L band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_20_ubv_k | A_0(JK) | Median extinction in the Johnson K band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_20_ubv_m | A_0(JM) | Median extinction in the Johnson M band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_20_ubv_r | A_0(R) | Median extinction in the Johnson R band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_20_ubv_u | A_0(U) | Median extinction in the Johnson U band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.U |
A0_20_ubv_v | A_0(V) | Median extinction in the Johnson V band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_2_gaia_bpbr | A_0(BP_bright) | Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_2_gaia_bpft | A_0(BP_faint) | Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_2_gaia_g | A_0(G) | Median extinction in the Gaia G band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_2_gaia_rp | A_0(RP) | Median extinction in the Gaia RP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_2_gaia_rvs | A_0(RVS) | Median extinction in the Gaia RVS band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_2_sloan_g | A_0(g) | Median extinction in the SDSS g band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_2_sloan_i | A_0(i) | Median extinction in the SDSS i band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_2_sloan_r | A_0(r) | Median extinction in the SDSS r band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_2_sloan_u | A_0(u) | Median extinction in the SDSS u band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.U |
A0_2_sloan_z | A_0(z) | Median extinction in the SDSS z band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_2_tmass_h | A_0(H) | Median extinction in the 2MASS H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_2_tmass_j | A_0(J) | Median extinction in the 2MASS J band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_2_tmass_ks | A_0(Ks) | Median extinction in the 2MASS Ks band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_2_ubv_b | A_0(B) | Median extinction in the Johnson B band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_2_ubv_h | A_0(JH) | Median extinction in the Johnson H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_2_ubv_i | A_0(I) | Median extinction in the Johnson I band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_2_ubv_j | A_0(JL) | Median extinction in the Johnson L band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_2_ubv_k | A_0(JK) | Median extinction in the Johnson K band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_2_ubv_m | A_0(JM) | Median extinction in the Johnson M band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_2_ubv_r | A_0(R) | Median extinction in the Johnson R band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_2_ubv_u | A_0(U) | Median extinction in the Johnson U band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.U |
A0_2_ubv_v | A_0(V) | Median extinction in the Johnson V band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_3_gaia_bpbr | A_0(BP_bright) | Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_3_gaia_bpft | A_0(BP_faint) | Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_3_gaia_g | A_0(G) | Median extinction in the Gaia G band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_3_gaia_rp | A_0(RP) | Median extinction in the Gaia RP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_3_gaia_rvs | A_0(RVS) | Median extinction in the Gaia RVS band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_3_sloan_g | A_0(g) | Median extinction in the SDSS g band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_3_sloan_i | A_0(i) | Median extinction in the SDSS i band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_3_sloan_r | A_0(r) | Median extinction in the SDSS r band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_3_sloan_u | A_0(u) | Median extinction in the SDSS u band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.U |
A0_3_sloan_z | A_0(z) | Median extinction in the SDSS z band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_3_tmass_h | A_0(H) | Median extinction in the 2MASS H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_3_tmass_j | A_0(J) | Median extinction in the 2MASS J band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_3_tmass_ks | A_0(Ks) | Median extinction in the 2MASS Ks band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_3_ubv_b | A_0(B) | Median extinction in the Johnson B band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_3_ubv_h | A_0(JH) | Median extinction in the Johnson H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_3_ubv_i | A_0(I) | Median extinction in the Johnson I band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_3_ubv_j | A_0(JL) | Median extinction in the Johnson L band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_3_ubv_k | A_0(JK) | Median extinction in the Johnson K band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_3_ubv_m | A_0(JM) | Median extinction in the Johnson M band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_3_ubv_r | A_0(R) | Median extinction in the Johnson R band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_3_ubv_u | A_0(U) | Median extinction in the Johnson U band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.U |
A0_3_ubv_v | A_0(V) | Median extinction in the Johnson V band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_5_gaia_bpbr | A_0(BP_bright) | Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_5_gaia_bpft | A_0(BP_faint) | Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_5_gaia_g | A_0(G) | Median extinction in the Gaia G band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_5_gaia_rp | A_0(RP) | Median extinction in the Gaia RP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_5_gaia_rvs | A_0(RVS) | Median extinction in the Gaia RVS band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_5_sloan_g | A_0(g) | Median extinction in the SDSS g band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
A0_5_sloan_i | A_0(i) | Median extinction in the SDSS i band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_5_sloan_r | A_0(r) | Median extinction in the SDSS r band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_5_sloan_u | A_0(u) | Median extinction in the SDSS u band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.U |
A0_5_sloan_z | A_0(z) | Median extinction in the SDSS z band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_5_tmass_h | A_0(H) | Median extinction in the 2MASS H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_5_tmass_j | A_0(J) | Median extinction in the 2MASS J band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_5_tmass_ks | A_0(Ks) | Median extinction in the 2MASS Ks band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_5_ubv_b | A_0(B) | Median extinction in the Johnson B band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.B |
A0_5_ubv_h | A_0(JH) | Median extinction in the Johnson H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_5_ubv_i | A_0(I) | Median extinction in the Johnson I band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.I |
A0_5_ubv_j | A_0(JL) | Median extinction in the Johnson L band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_5_ubv_k | A_0(JK) | Median extinction in the Johnson K band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_5_ubv_m | A_0(JM) | Median extinction in the Johnson M band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption; |
A0_5_ubv_r | A_0(R) | Median extinction in the Johnson R band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.R |
A0_5_ubv_u | A_0(U) | Median extinction in the Johnson U band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.U |
A0_5_ubv_v | A_0(V) | Median extinction in the Johnson V band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin | mag | phys.absorption;em.opt.V |
gaia_bpbr | Mag. BP_bright | Median absolute magnitude in the Gaia BP band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
gaia_bpft | Mag. BP_faint | Median absolute magnitude in the Gaia BP band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
gaia_g | Mag. G | Median absolute magnitude in the Gaia G band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
gaia_rp | Mag. RP | Median absolute magnitude in the Gaia RP band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
gaia_rvs | Mag. RVS | Median absolute magnitude in the Gaia RVS band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
index_parsec | Phot. Ref. | The primary key of the photometry table, useful for joining with index_parsec in gedr3mock.main. This has the format LLLTTTFFF indexing bins in log_lum, log_teff, feh in the parsec isochrones. To find the actual bin centers, see the log_lum, log_teff, and meh_ini columns. | N/A | meta.ref |
log_age | log(Age) | Median log of model star age at the parsec bin. | log(yr) | time.age |
log_grav | log(g) | Median Log of the surface gravity of all model stars in the parsec bin. | log(m/s**2) | phys.gravity |
log_lum | Lum | Median Log of luminosity of all model stars in the parsec bin. | log(solLum) | phys.luminosity |
log_teff | T_eff | Median Log of the effective temperature of all model stars in the parsec bin. | log(K) | phys.temperature.effective |
m_act | Mass_current | Median of the current (at log_age) mass of all model star in the parsec bin. | solMass | phys.mass |
m_ini | Mass_initial | Median of the initial (zero age) mass of all model stars in the parsec bin. | solMass | phys.mass |
meh_ini | [Fe/H]_0 | Log of initial model metalicity at the center of this bin. | N/A | phys.abund.z |
sloan_g | Mag. g | Median absolute magnitude in the SDSS g band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
sloan_i | Mag. i | Median absolute magnitude in the SDSS i band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
sloan_r | Mag. r | Median absolute magnitude in the SDSS r band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
sloan_u | Mag. u | Median absolute magnitude in the SDSS u band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
sloan_z | Mag. z | Median absolute magnitude in the SDSS z band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
tmass_h | Mag. H | Median absolute magnitude in the 2MASS H band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag; |
tmass_j | Mag. J | Median absolute magnitude in the 2MASS J band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag; |
tmass_ks | Mag. K' | Median absolute magnitude in the 2MASS K' band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag; |
ubv_b | Mag. B | Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson B band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
ubv_h | Mag. H | Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson H band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag; |
ubv_i | Mag. I | Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson I band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
ubv_j | Mag. J | Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson J band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag; |
ubv_k | Mag. K | Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson K band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag; |
ubv_l | Mag. L | Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson L band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag; |
ubv_m | Mag. M | Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson M band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag; |
ubv_r | Mag. R | Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson R band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
ubv_u | Mag. U | Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson U band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
ubv_v | Mag. V | Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson V band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.
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