Table Description:
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Resource Description:
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'LAMOST DR6 Spectra'
This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference either in addition to or instead of the service reference.
To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:
@MISC{vo:lamost6_medres, year=2020, title={{LAMOST} DR6 Spectra}, author={National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences}, url={}, howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {GAVO} Data Center} }
Guoshoujing Telescope (the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope LAMOST) is a National Major Scientific Project built by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Funding for the project has been provided by the National Development and Reform Commission. LAMOST is operated and managed by the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Please also see the LAMOST Data Policy.
Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
mobsid | Mobsid | Unique identifier for the medium resolution spectrum (most of these have multiple observations and include a coadded spectrum). | N/A |;meta.main |
accref | Product key | Access key for the data | N/A | meta.ref.url |
owner | Owner | Owner of the data | N/A | N/A |
embargo | Embargo ends | Date the data will become/became public | yr | N/A |
mime | Type | MIME type of the file served | N/A | meta.code.mime |
accsize | File size | Size of the data in bytes | byte | VOX:Image_FileSize |
ssa_location | Location | ICRS location of aperture center | deg | pos.eq |
ssa_region | Coverage | Rough coverage based on location and aperture. | N/A | pos.outline;obs.field |
ssa_dateObs | Date Obs. | Midpoint of exposure (MJD) | d | time.epoch |
obsid | Obsid | Unique identifier for the observation; LAMOST observations typically result in multiple spectra. | N/A |;obs |
designation | Target | Target Designation (IAU style) | N/A | |
planid | Plan | Identifier of the observation plan | N/A |;obs.proposal |
spid | SG id | Identifier of the Spectragraph that took the source spectrum. | N/A |;instr |
fiberid | Fiber | Identifier of the fiber used to take the source spectrum | N/A |;instr |
ra_obs | Fiber RA | ICRS right ascension of the fiber pointing (can be different from ra for bright sources). | deg | pos.eq.ra |
dec_obs | Fiber Dec | ICRS declination of the fiber pointing | deg | pos.eq.dec |
ssa_snr | SNR | Median signal to noise ratio over all pixel, computed as flux/sqrt(variance) | N/A | stat.snr |
objtype | Ob. type | Object type: star, k2star, fs, rvcandi, gal | N/A | meta.code.class |
magtype | Mag.Type | Designation of the bands of the magnitudes in mag_arr; this is not easy to parse by a machine, sorry. | N/A | meta.code |
mag_arr | Mags. | An array of derived magnitudes. See mag_types for the bands these magnitudes are intended for. | N/A | phot.mag |
fibertype | Fiber | Fiber Type of target (one of Obj, Sky, F-std, Unused, PosErr, Dead) | N/A | meta.code;instr |
target_comment | Comment | Various comments (e.g., an external target id). | N/A | meta.note |
offset_v | Offset | Offset of the observation from the target coordinate (these are added for bright objects to prevent saturation). | arcsec | instr.offset |
ra | Target RA | ICRS right ascension for this object from input catalogue | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
dec | Target Dec | ICRS declination for this object from input catalogue | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
ssa_specstart | Band start | Lower value of spectral coordinate | m | em.wl;stat.min |
ssa_specend | Band end | Upper value of spectral coordinate | m | em.wl;stat.max |
ssa_specres | Spec. Res. | Resolution (in meters of wavelength) on the spectral axis | m | spect.resolution;em.wl |
rv_b0 | RV b0 | Radial velocity estimated from the B spectrum after continuum removal. | km/s | spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_b0_err | Err. RV b0 | Error in rv_b0. | km/s | stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_r0 | RV r0 | Radial velocity estimated from the R spectrum after continuum removal. | km/s | spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_r0_err | Err. RV r0 | Error in rv_r0. | km/s | stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_br0 | RV br0 | Radial velocity estimated from the B and R spectra after continuum removal. | km/s | spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_br0_err | Err. RV br0 | Error in rv_br0. | km/s | stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_lasp0 | RV lasp0 | Radial velocity estimated from the LAMOST stellar parameter pipeline. | km/s | spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_lasp0_err | Err. RV lasp0 | Error in rv_lasp0. | km/s | stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_b1 | RV b1 | rv_b0 after zero-point correction | km/s | spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_b1_err | Err. RV b1 | Error in rv_b1. | km/s | stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_r1 | RV r1 | rv_r0 after zero-point correction | km/s | spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_r1_err | Err. RV r1 | Error in rv_r1. | km/s | stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_br1 | RV br1 | rv_br0 after zero-point correction | km/s | spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_br1_err | Err. RV br1 | Error in rv_br1. | km/s | stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_lasp1 | RV lasp1 | rv_lasp0 after zero-point correction | km/s | spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_lasp1_err | Err. RV lasp1 | Error in rv_lasp1. | km/s | stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_b_flag | b ? | Flag for RV extraction in the b band: 0 – no anomalies; 1 – too many bad pixels; 2 – radial velocity in excess of 450 km/s; 3 – low similarity with best-matched template. | N/A | meta.code.qual |
rv_r_flag | r ? | Flag for RV extraction in the r band: 0 – no anomalies; 1 – too many bad pixels; 2 – radial velocity in excess of 450 km/s; 3 – low similarity with best-matched template. | N/A | meta.code.qual |
rv_br_flag | br ? | Flag for RV extraction in the br band: 0 – no anomalies; 1 – too many bad pixels; 2 – radial velocity in excess of 450 km/s; 3 – low similarity with best-matched template. | N/A | meta.code.qual |
coadd | Coadd? | 1 if this is a co-added spectrum | N/A | meta.code |
fibermask | Fiber prob | Bitmask for fiber problems. See note for the meaning for the bits. [Note fib] | N/A | meta.code.qual |
bad_b | B bad? | 1 if this is a problematic B spectrum. | N/A | meta.code |
bad_r | R bad? | 1 if this is a problematic R spectrum. | N/A | meta.code |
Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.
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VO nerds may sometimes need VOResource XML for this table.
Meaning of the bits in fibermask (note: while upstream counts bits from 1, we count bits from 0):
Bit | Meaning |
0 | Fiber not allotted |
1 | Bad trace from the TRACECENTER routine |
2 | Low counts in flat field |
3 | Bad arc solution |
4 | <10% pixels are bad on the CCD |
5 | <10% pixels are saturated |
6 | Whopping fiber |
7 | Near a whopping fiber |
8 | Sky fiber shows extreme residuals |